Goodbye Buffalo, NY; Hello Eastport, ME
After 5 years of visiting Eastport, I am officially a resident. My partner and I bought a cute little Greek Revival house with many historic features intact - including two windows! I have been working on getting the business officially launched and have a space found, ad placed in the Quoddy Tides and the formal business set-up is well underway. I hope to be up and running in February so feel free to contact me if you’d like some windows restored.
I have been hearing that I should post some photos of window restoration that I have done or been apart of in the past, so here I go:
The above two photos are from some attic windows I restored in Buffalo, NY. They were in pretty rough shape. The above process photo shows “re-pinning” the sash at it’s joint. The discoloration to the wood and the amount of work that was needed to get them going again would lead many to think they were “too far gone.” The second photo is of the windows all completed and re-installed. They’re beautiful and such a significant part of the home’s architecture. Most windows aren’t “too far gone” and they’re very much worth the time to restore.